Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 21 - 01/20/2013

She approached each day
Head high
Holding hope
In a bottle
Pen to tear soaked parchment
She scribbled her dreams
Set them a drift
To wash upon foreign shore
Where he would find them
Shiny cufflinks and new shoes
Like the fantasy of every duckling
Who had yet to find her inner swan
He never came
Never put foreign feet to home soil
But hope was all she ever needed

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 20 - 01/02/1013

Soiled and shredded
Blanket barroom floors
Where pumps and wingtips danced
Pausing briefly to usher in the new year with a kiss
Closing cab doors
Mingle with clanking bags 
Revelry's spirits
The end is the beginning

Day 19 - 01/01/2013

Snowpack silence
No wind
No feet crunching dry leaves
Except head words
Telling tales of first snow